Application Process
EXISTING CMDCP® MEMBERS: Complete the online CMDCPT™ application with ICCDP. Log in and go to APPLY FOR OTHER CERTIFICATIONS. Select CMDCPT™ and begin. You will be able to select a seminar date within the application. I ALREADY HAVE MY CMDCP® CLICK HERE
Complete the online CMDCPT™ application for new members who do not have a ICCDP Certification. I DO NOT HAVE A CMDCP® CERTIFICATION AND CLICK HERE
You will be asked to upload the following documents when completing your online CMDCPT™ application.
- Certification or license
- Resume
- Copy of college degree
- A seminar you have presented
- Copy of your CADDCT certification, if applicable.
™ application lists dates, locations, prices, and information. Once you have completed the CMDCPT
™ one-day class, as a trainer, you will present the MDCC Montessori Dementia Care Concepts 7- hour live presentation. Upon completion of the MDCC course, your students can apply online for the CMDCP
® certification.
- Must have a 4 -year degree from an accredited college or university OR a Nurse.
- Must have a license or certification that is in good standing or an instructor in a learning institution.
- One year minimum experience presenting seminars or in-services.
- Must have at minimum 5 years’ experience in any health care related field that serves the elderly with a diagnosis of Dementia.
"One certified CMDCPT™ trainer impacts thousands of health care providers" NCCDP/ICCDP
General Information:
As a CMDCPT™ trainer, you will provide a state of the art and comprehensive MDCC Montessori Dementia Care Concepts to health care professionals, front line staff and students enrolled in healthcare-related degree programs such as nursing, social workers, pharmacist, activity professionals, PT, OT, Speech Therapist, nursing assistants and other important professions serving the older person who work in the many aspects of the health care industry, supporting industries, government agencies or who will be entering the workforce.
The MDCC 7-hour curriculum is the required seminar for those interested in pursuing CMDCP® Certified Montessori Dementia Care Professional certification.
Not everyone will qualify for the CMDCP® certification but all professions can benefit from the comprehensive MDCC curriculum.
The ICCDP MDCC curriculum is recognized by learning institutions, companies and associations within the United States and many international countries. The Montessori approaches developed by Maria Montessori are recognized and accepted worldwide.
The MDCC curriculum is CEU approved for nurses in most states. Nurses will be provided information in class on how to purchase the CEUs from the CEU Network for $28.00 .
It is the CMDCPT™ trainer's responsibility to submit the curriculum (if they choose to do so) to credentialing bodies for CE or CEU approval. It will be up to you as a trainer, to submit the course for CEU approval to other credentialing bodies, should you wish to do so.
Where Can the CMDCPT™ Present?
CMDCPT™ trainers are permitted to present the curriculum where they are employed or book private seminars and charge for their services when not at work. Additionally, the CMDCPT™ trainer name is listed on the CMDCPT™ registry for potential customers to hire the trainer to present the MDCC curriculum to university students, technical schools students, corporations employee’s or association conference attendees, if the CMDCPT™ trainer chooses to do so.
Corporate Group Rates for CMDCP® certification:
ICCDP offers corporate group (10 or more) discounts rates when the CMDCPT™ is the presenter for an in- house MDCC training for the CMDCP® applications, if the corporation is investing in the employee's dementia education and CMDCP® certification. The corporate group grandfather rate is $55.00 pp .
If a company chooses to create a corporate group account and wishes their employees to take the ICCDP 7-hour online MDCC course, the corporate group rate for the CMDCP® application and 7-hour online course is $110.00 pp USD.
Companies will contact ICCDP regarding setting up a corporate group account either as the grandfather option or completing the ICCDP MDCC course online.
Association Member Discounts:
ICCDP also offers conference attendees who attend the MDCC seminar presented at a state, or national and or international conference, by a CMDCPT™ trainer, a discount for the CMDCP® application. The association member rate and grandfather option is $55.00 pp USD.
As a Trainer you will need the following equipment when presenting the MDCC seminar in-person.
The CMDCPT™ trainer will need the following equipment; laptop with media player, projector or smart TV, screen, extension cords, speaker when presenting to larger audiences of more than 10, cart, and screen.
All trainers will be asked to sign a license agreement. This is explained in the CMDCPT™ application form.
All trainers will provide a student handout notebook that can only be ordered through the ICCDP web site. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN EXTRA FEE AND SHOULD BE FACTORED INTO THE COST OF PRESENTING THE SEMINAR.
All trainers will be required to provide a certificate of attendance, collect evaluations, and provide a sign-in sheet to all attendees. To see what training materials are provided, see the CMDCPT™ application.
CMDCPT™ renewal is every two years and includes both the CMDCPT™ and CMDCP® certification. You will need 4 contact hours and this is included in your CMDCPT™ renewal application, provided by ICCDP at the time of renewal. You will only renew the CMDCPT™ application. You will be notified in 22 months of your upcoming renewal and the expiration date of your certifications.
The CMDCPT™ seminar includes:
MDCC Montessori Dementia Care Professional PowerPoint curriculum (English only) on a memory stick, a master student handout notebook, Instructor manual, pretest and posttest for students, sample brochure, sample class certificate, sample sign-in sheet, information on obtaining approval for CEU's (USA Only), fees to charge, certifications as a CMDCPT™ Certified Montessori Dementia Care Professional Trainer and CMDCP® Certified Montessori Dementia Care Professional.
Curriculum updates: CMDCPT™ Trainers are notified of updates to the curriculum. Updates are only as needed. The MDCC curriculum is only available in English. The student handout notebooks are in English.
$1900.00 USD Includes, certification as a CMDCPT™, CMDCP® and training materials.
$180.00 USD Renewal and includes the 4- hour renewal course work.
Renewal is every two years.
$50.00 USD late fee
Corporations request rates for multiple trainers.
Associations request rates if booking the CMDCPT™ seminar at the next state, national or international
CMDCPT™ Times and Time Zones:
All seminars are held via ZOOM. It is your responsibility to be on time for the ZOOM meeting and stay till the end.
Times: 7:30 A.M. to 7:30 P.M.
CMDCPT™ seminars are presented in English.
Cancellation Policy / Refund Policy:
Cancellation received prior to two weeks of the date of class will incur a $750.00 cancellation fee. If canceling 13 days or less prior to the scheduled date, there are no refunds. Cancellation must be received in writing to
Payment is expected at the time of registration.
Additional information for CMDCPT™ applicants.
Once your application is reviewed and if approved, you will receive a confirmation email with the date and time of your training.
Very Important Information:
- You must login to your account once approved and digitally sign the license agreement.
- The confirmation email will have included two homework assignments. Both assignments must be uploaded to your account prior to the course date. The homework assignment consists of a sample class certificate and sample class brochure. Detailed information and wording will be provided to you.
- Once your license agreement and two homework assignments are uploaded to your account, ICCDP will ship your training materials via FedEx ground. It is your responsibility to upload these materials in plenty of time to ship your materials. You will need these materials for the course.
Additional Fees:
If ICCDP needs to send your training materials overnight, you will be charged additional shipping fees. All products are shipped via FedEx.
All CMDCPT™ certifications are emailed to you.
Recommendations: Please use a computer when completing applications. We recommend using Google Chrome or Internet Explorer Edge.
Contact Information:
Contact information: Email address:
Phone number: EST 1.973.729.6601 M – F 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
International Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners
One Main Street,Suite 6
Sparta, NJ 07871 USA