Certified Dementia Practitioner® CDP® Initial Application - GRANDFATHER OPTION

Do not start the CDP® application unless you have completed the ADDC seminar. You will be asked to upload the class certificate as well as other documents depending on the option you select. You will be asked to submit payment at the time you create the application. If you are unable to provide payment, your application will be deleted within 7 days and you will then need to start a new application.

Group Application Guidelines

1. After payment, you will receive a receipt via email.You will receive a link to the CDP® Group Admin account page where you can add new members, delete members, and renew members.

2. Once you create the initial list, there are no substitutions and no refunds. You can add employees to the list. You can delete a person's name, you can add a person's name but you cannot substitute a person for another person.

3. Once you pay for the group, the employees have 7 days to complete their application. If they do not complete their application, the automated system will delete their account and there is no refund. Please remind your employees to watch for the email to complete their application. Sometimes the NCCDP email ends up in their spam mail. They should whitelist ICCDPOffice@iccdp.net.

4. The renewing members won't show up on this initial list until 60 days prior to their renewal.

5. Once you delete a person's name from the group, their application will be available should the individual choose to renew their application, but individual will not be connected to your corporate group account. If the individual is removed from your corporate group account, prior to completing their application, the individual will be responsible for payment.

6. If they do not complete their application, it will show as unpaid and will be deleted after 30 days.




New Group Application


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Last Name* First Name* Middle Name Username* Email Address* Initial Renewal Grandfather?